Teacher, Role Model, Friend
"On Being a Mentor to Students"
1. Mentoring Definition:
Mentoring, as defined by Eric Parsloel, is to support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they maximize their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be.
2. Importance of Mentoring in Sharda University:
Student mentoring in Sharda University is important for the following reasons:
- Diverse student community with varying linguistic, socio-cultural, economic
and academic backgrounds,
- International students belonging to different countries face challenges in
coping with the Indian Culture as well the academic environment both
inside and outside the classroom,
- Students embarking on their academic career at the university come with
many expectations and apprehensions about learning in a new
Thus, it is essential that students get guidance, hand-holding and support to
facilitate their adjustment into the academic environment, Campus life and
culture. The guidance is required for enhancements in academic performance and
move beyond studies, Overall, mentor role is manifold; focused for academic
growth and well-being of students in a new paradigm.
The type of student's mentoring depends upon scholastic level of the
- Undergraduate students: The focus will be on academic foundation,
career development and tackling personal problems. These students are
also made aware of the university policies and encouraged to participate
in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
- Postgraduate students: Focuses is on consolidating of
given subject and generate interest in research. Mentor
guidance and groom towards right career path,
foundation in a
role is to provide
1"The Manager as Coach and Mentor" by Eric Parsloe
3. Mentoring Program of Sharda University:
It is designed to serve the following:
- Acclimatize students from diverse backgrounds about the University
educational system and learning environment.
- Provide a space to the students for their academic and personal challenges
arising in a new environment
- Identify the reasons that lead to shortfall in attendance and/or class
participation and help students address those issues,
- Help students to face challenges to keep pace with the academic
environment in keeping pace with the academics in the classroom.
- Extend support beyond the classroom for improvement of student
development and maximize their potential,
4. Mentoring Policy
- Every student is assigned a faculty mentor on day-one of the concerned
School shall take necessary steps for the same.
- The mentor will remain same throughout the course of the study of the
mentee. The mentor shall be changed only with the approval of the HOD in
appropriate circumstances or as per the directions laid down by the
concerned school from time to time,
- The University shall organize Orientation Programs / Sessions for the newly
admitted students at the beginning of the academic year where they will be
familiarized with the program, academic policies, practices, and resources
- The mentees will be intimated names of the mentors to whom they will be
assigned, and the mentor details shall also be shared with the parents /
wards of the students.
- An orientation program will be conducted in the first semester and a
refresher session will be conducted in the second semester.
- The School shall take necessary steps to ensure that the faculty mentors
are able to meet their assigned mentees at the time of the orientation
session, A special session shall be set aside for the same. Thereafter, the
mentor will hold a familiarization meeting to find out student's previous
educational experiences, decision to join this university and what the
student hopes to achieve.
- Mentor shall advise and approve of the courses (core, elective and open
elective) that mentee Seek to choose in each semester,
- It shall be the responsibility of the mentee to contact faculty mentor at the
appointed hour. However, the mentor may also take steps to contact
mentees through e.mail / social media and other appropriate mediums. The
mentors should let the mentees know the time and place for meeting.
Mentors may give special attention to the needs of students who are
challenged due to cultural and ethnic issues,
- The mentoring shall cover academic and non-academic issues faced by the
mentees. Where required mentor shall recommend for professional help,
- For first year students, the mentor should preferably conduct at least one
session per month. However, each School of the University will have the
flexibility to decide on the number of sessions as per their curriculum
requirement; as the new students are just learning the ropes and fretting
about the long and challenging road ahead in their new environment. The
sessions can be adjusted from a regular basis to a requirement based
mentoring when the students progress to the second year.
- The mentors shall record mentee interactions every time the student
approaches the mentor for the purpose of mentoring.
- The mentors shall encourage the students to use their time effectively and
- The mentors review students' progress quarterly via examining attendance
and academic performance records.
- The mentor shall take up academic issues of a serious nature and initiate
action for resolution of the same
- The mentors must make nest efforts to dissuade their mentees from
harmful practices of smoking, drugs, alcohol etc.
- The mentor should encourage the mentee to take up challenging academic
paths during his/her course of study.
5. Mentoring Programl Governance
- There shall be a Mentoring Program Coordinator at the University level to
oversee the mentoring program who, in tandem with mentoring program
coordinators of the School, and the Department, will facilitate the smooth
functioning of the program at the School/ Department level.
- The Vice Chancellor shall appoint a Chief Mentoring Program Coordinator
from among the senior faculty members, The person should be well
informed about the effective mentoring practices/ managed student affairs
at the University level and is well versed with the nature of common
problems faced by the student community in the Sharda University.
- The tenure of the Chief Mentoring Program Coordinator shall ordinarily be
for a period of two years and can be extended with the due approval of the
competent authority.
- The Chief Mentoring' Program Coordinator shall have the following
fu nctions:
- Disseminate aims and objectives of the mentoring program to school
mentoring coordinator,
- Coordinate mentoring activity with the Mentoring Coordinators at the
School/ Department level
- Organize Mentor Training and Student Induction Programs at the
commencement of the academic year to ensure uniformity of mentoring
program delivery across all Schools and Departments.
- Monitor the overall mentoring program by having regular interaction/
meetings with the Deans, School/Department Mentoring coordinators,
Mentors, preferably once every month.
- To identify and address the concerns of mentors arising out of
interaction with mentees,
- To facilitate technical support by coordinating with the IT Support team
in case of technical glitches, if any,
- To review the mentoring program policy document, whenever required,
to improve mentoring practices/ process and the general effectiveness
of mentoring,
7. Mentoring Coordinator (School/Department level)
- The Mentoring Coordinator at the School/ Department level shall oversee
and coordinate the functioning of the Mentors of the respective School/
- The Mentoring Coordinator shall be appointed by the Dean of that School
in consultation with the Chief Mentoring Program Coordinator and the Vice
Cha ncellor.
- The tenure of the Mentoring Coordinator shall be two years, and can be
extended or shortened depending upon the performance.
- The role of the Mentoring Coordinator shall be:
- To be a single point of contact for overall information concerning the
mentoring program at the school level,
- To make timely mentee allocation, monitor the mentoring program,
maintain the mentor-mentee lists and file. Prepare monthly school level
mentoring reports and share it with Dean.
- To take up cases of indiscipline reported from the office of the Chief
Proctor with concerned mentors for providing necessary counseling and
g u ida nce.
- To seek feedback from mentees and analyze the same,
- To help newly recruited faculty mentors understand the aims and
objectives of the mentoring program and share the context and common
student concerns.
- To keep regular checks on the online portal and encou rage/ rernind
mentors to participate actively,
- To report technical issues in the online mentoring portal, if any,
- To attend meetings convened by the Chief Mentoring Program
Coordinator or the Dean for the purpose.
- To convene interactive sessions with mentors to understand the
challenges faced by them.
8. Assignment of Mentors
- All the faculty members including the HoD and the Dean shall be mentors
for students admitted to the program that the school offers. The Dean /
HoD shall allot the students to the mentors from the date of registration.
There shall be equitable distribution of students among faculty (including
HoD and the Dean)
- In case a mentor is on leave for more than a month, Dean / HoD shar,
make re-allotment among the available faculty, If a new faculty joins the
department, HoD / Dean shall carry out re-allotment so that all the faculty
members have almost equal number of mentees,
- The Mentors at the School/ Department shall carry out mentoring and will
have preferably not more than 20 mentees, It is the responsibility of the
mentoring coordinator to ensure that every student of the School is assigned a
- The functioning of the mentees shall be coordinated by
Coordinators of the respective School/ Department'
- All issues relating to the allotment of mentees or mentors
the notice of the mentoring coordinator.
9. Role of Mentors
Mentors are expected to:
the Mentoring
shall be brought to
- Establish a sustained connect with the mentees, be helpful and
encourage them to come up with their problems.
- Mentor shall be available to the mentees beyond the classroom and
keep them informed if for some unforeseen reason they are unavailable
for a scheduled mentoring session,
- Engage with the mentees to identify and understand their strengths and
areas of improvement,
- Take regular feedback on mentees attendance regularity, academic
performance, conduct, etc. and advise/mentor on short fall, if any.
- Counsel mentees who have been involved in disciplinary issues.
- Keep the Mentoring Coordinator/ Mentoring Program Coordinator
informed of the issues that require attention,
- Identify mentees who have attitudinal problems requiring psychologica,
counseling and arrange for the same,
- Conduct interactive sessions apart from one to one session to the extent
- Positively communicate mentee's concerns about a particular course/
other matters to the concerned teachers/ officials.
- To maintain strict confidentiality on mentees'concerns that is of
personal/sensitive nature.
- To inform the parents any issue that needs attention
- To encourage a thought process in the students that would encourage a
all round holistic growth and development of the mentee.
- To identify the interest area and talent of the mentee and encourage the
mentee to pursue the talent,
10. Role of Mentee
All mentees are expected to:
- Take best advantage of the mentoring program of the University and
meet designated mentors on a regular basis to resolve academic/ other
- To maintain healthy attendance of the mentor-mentee meetings,
University authorities may, in their wisdom, debar students from taking
end-semester examination if a mentee does not attend at least 75o/o of
the scheduled meetings,
- Take the feedback provided by the Mentors positively and seriously act
upon it,
- Be open and receptive to the new ways of teaching/learning and seek
help whenever required.
- Be focused on achieving desired results,
- Have a sense of responsibility and commitment towards their learning
pursuits and towards University, r Be disciplined, focused and make best use of the University's facilities
and experience for maximizing their potential, developing
skills/competencies and improve their performance.
- Uphold dignity and prestige of Sharda University, . Shall not indulge in any act which is deemed to be of unbecoming of a
stu de nt,